Monday, October 6, 2014

Common Idioms and expressions COLORS

Here are some common idioms with colors.
How many do you already know?

Out of the blue
Something that happens suddenly and unexpectedly

Once in a blue moon
Something that happens rarely, infrequently.

Black and blue
Bruised physically or emotionally

Feeling blue
Feeling sad, depressed

Red tape
 A negative term for a lot of paperwork related to bureaucracy.

Green thumb
Someone who is a good gardener

Green light
You are given the approval to do something

Green with envy
Very jealous

Black and white

When the situation is clearly right or wrong.

Grey area

A grey area is when there is no clear right or wrong.  The opposite of black and white.

Black hole
If there is a black hole in financial accounts, money disappears.   
Like white on rice
When someone or something is like white on rice, you do it very closely.

Practice- Place the idiom in the correct sentence on the right- answers are below

1.      Red tape
a)    Suddenly and ________________ I saw a dog leave the metro.

2.      Green with envy

b)      My husband and I go to the cinema 1 time per year.  We go _________________

3.      Grey area

c)     Maria fell from her bike on the street.  She was hurt and her legs were_______________.

4.      Black and white

d)      Alice was feeling ________________ when she learned that her grandmother was sick.

5.      Out of the blue

e)      In Chile there is a lot of _____________.  The government requires so many official documents.

6.      Black and blue

f)       My mom has a _____________.  Her garden is full of  flowers and vegetables. 

7.      Black hole

g)      Maria's doctor gave her the _____________________ to return to work after 3 weeks of resting.

8.      Once in a blue moon
h)      Paul is ___________________ that  his brother won the lottery and doesn't have to work.

9.      Feeling blue
i)       The law about drinking and driving is _____________.  If the police catch you, you are going to jail, no exceptions.

10.   Like white on rice

j)       There is a lot of ______________________about the way to build a house.  There isn't a specific right or wrong way.

11.   Green light
k)     Maintaining my house has been a ___________________.  I spend so much money fixing things and making improvements.

12.   Green thumb

l)       My dog was with me like ______________.  He didn't want to leave my side because he was scared of the noise of the fireworks.

1. E
2. H
3. J
4. I
5. A
6. C
7. K
8. B
9. D
10. L
11. G
12. F

What are other idioms that you know?  Share them in the comments section.

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